Color variations of “ion plating”

Specification name

Specification name Description Nickel content
Single color Two tone color
KIP EKIP Direct IP coloring on Ti materials Not contain
NIP ENIP IP coloring for direct attachment to NT materials (memory metal) Not contain
HIP EHIP Direct IP coloring on titanium + NT materials (memory metal) Not contain
FIP EFIP Direct IP coloring on stainless steel materials Not contain
GIP EGIP IP coloring with base electro plating on Cu alloy materials Contains
SIP ESIP IP coloring with base electroplating on TN (memory metal)or Cu alloy materials Contains
TIP ETIP IP coloring with base electroplating on NT (memory metal) or Cu alloy materials Contains
LIP ELIP IP coloring with base electroplating on titanium + NT (memory metal) or Cu alloy materials Contains
VIP EVIP IP coloring with base electroplating on titanium + Cu alloy materials Contains
Introductory video of ion plating (PVD)
Introducing video of new color IP black101